Jumat, 15 Desember 2017

Install Office 2010 ubuntu 64bit

The instructions are for Ubuntu 15.04 64bit. This borrows heavily from Crag Gomez's guide, so thanks to him for a lot of these instructions.
  1. Install the latest version of Wine - dotnet20 installations cause issues otherwise
    sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-wine/ppa
    sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade
    sudo apt-get install wine winetricks
  2. Install mesa OpenGL - may already exist, so the below commands would simply state that.
    sudo apt-get install mesa-utils mesa-utils-extra libgl1-mesa-glx:i386 libgl1-mesa-dev
  3. Create softlinks for the 32bit OpenGL librariies (needed only for 64 bit systems)
    sudo ln -s /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/mesa/libGL.so.1 /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/mesa/libGL.so
    sudo ln -s /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/mesa/libGL.so /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libGL.so
  4. Create a new WINEPREFIX for Office - this will be the directory that contains your files. You can use any directory, but I followed the standard Wineprefix directory (add your username).
    export WINEPREFIX="/home/<username>/.wineprefixes/office2010/"
Additionally, create that directory:
    mkdir -p /home/<username>/.wineprefixes/office2010/
  1. Set the WINEARCH to 32 bit. Office 10 32 bit is the version that works best.
    export WINEARCH="win32"
  2. Install winbind. Office installation stops midway if this is not done
    sudo apt-get install winbind
  3. Install dotnet20msxml6 and corefonts modules using winetricks.
    Once you run the command you will be asked if you want to install a Mono package as well as a Gecko package - select no for bothwine-mono and wine-gecko should have already been installed when you installed wine
    winetricks dotnet20 msxml6 corefonts
  4. Do the actual Windows install.
    Browse to the folder with the installation media and run
    wine setup.exe
  5. Change settings for libraries in the wineprefix after installing
    • Run winetricks
    • Select Run winecfg. select the "Libraries" tab.
    • You should see msxml6 (native, built-in) in the Existing overrides section. Highlight it and click Edit and select Native (Windows) and click OK. Now, it should show up as *msxml6 (native).
    • Then add the riched20 and gdiplus libraries from the New override for librarysection and make sure these are also set as "Native"
  6. Your office programs should show up in the Unity lenses
sumber : https://askubuntu.com/questions/674692/installing-office-2010-on-ubuntu-15-04-using-wine

Install wine 2.0.1 stable via PPA di Ubuntu

Wine sebuah aplikasi untuk menjalan file Microsoft Windows di Linux sudah mengeluarkan versi baru untuk yang stable pada bulan April. Nah ini cara yang saya lakukan untuk instalasi nya dan kalian tinggal bisa copy paste perintah berikut ini ke terminal.
1. Untuk yang menggunakan Ubuntu versi 64 bit silahkan masukkan perintah berikut ini agar wine bisa juga menjalan aplikasi windows yang berbasis 32 bit
2. Unduh key
3. Memasukkan key ke dalam sistem
4. Masukkan wine ke daftar repositori
5. Update repositori dan install WINE
Kalau sudah silahkan untuk menjalan aplikasi .exe kalian. Saran saya untuk awal-awal lebih baik menggunakan aplikasi Portable seperti winbox.exe.

Itu dia cara install wine pada Ubuntu 16.04 , 16.10 , 17.04 dan yang terbaru.
sumber : https://www.ariyolo.id/2017/04/install-wine-2-0-1-stable-via-ppa-di-ubuntu.html